Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Today is the THIRD time I'm speaking with this organization, who apparently, is trying to hire me. I suppose one should be flattered...they're essentially offering me a promotion, before ever working a day, because I declined on their most recent offer due to an embarrassingly low salary. Not that money is everything, but the job is based in K.O.P. so when you factor in the cost of the gas, tolls, and the extra hour of babysitting a day, not to mention no summer vacations and the other perks of teaching....well, a better paying teaching job, closer to home, is sounding pretty good. Which is too bad, because if they were willing to relocate their entire office a little bit closer to here, or just let me work full-time from home, I'd definitely take it. In a heartbeat.
Speaking of which, what is with gas??
My lunch money in high-school used to be enough to fill the tank.
Since Cheltenham had off-campus privileges, we would pool our lunch moneys, get gas, and go eat lunch (for free) at one of our homes. Plus, our parents would all be at work, so it was always a super fun (and not always well-behaved) lunch period. Oh the excuses I had to make up when I'd come in late to Mr. Umfer's 6th period French class....but I digress.
Anyway, all I'm saying is that I guess I could just say NO, but I'm feeling like I should leave the door open.

1 comment:

words and streets said...

sheesh, they want you, eh? i can understand your hesitations, though. wisdom, Lord, wisdom.