Friday, September 5, 2008

not exactly an update, but humourous nonetheless.
we read a heartbreaking story in the Inquirer this morning about the sad lack of teachers in the Philadelphia School District. How the poor children had to go to schools with vacancies totaling 160. How the rise in gas prices and the competitive nature of the suburbs are luring teaching away from the city. Who wants to drive to these jobs?
I promptly sat down and wrote a letter to the writer - the poor district who can't find teachers? How about the 450 teachers on a waiting list? How about the district sits around on their thumbs and hasn't hired teachers ready to teach? How about some conspiracy so that teachers have their salaries pro-rated - because a substitute will have been in my class until I get hired, I won't be paid for a full calendar year of teaching!
It was a sad little article to be sure. Meant to tug on the heartstrings and make people feel bad for the vacant human resources waiting room.
Give me a break.
On second thought, maybe I'll run for mayor....or superintendent. Do you have to live in the city to acquire one of those positions?


words and streets said...

without a doubt! yes, i mean i think you should run and i think you have to live in the city to run. who cares, sell your house, what's another change, right? kidding...

Daisy said...

I am glad that you wrote that letter, some fact-checking might be good before writing an article like that, you would think. And that (Phila. school system denying the kids teachers) makes a better story than apparent lack of teachers.