Wednesday, May 21, 2008

so nobody warned me that as they start moving, messes start growing.
pillows and heavy objects strategically placed over dangling cords, toys everywhere...
it's about time for Mrs. Lowing to head back to work.
Just in time!
i've been thinking that working moms need a little applause.
there are all these groups and stuff for stay-at-home moms, but where's the love for the moms in the offices? (or classrooms, in my case.)
the big one year mark is quickly approaching...outrageous.
it's time to party.

On a side note, I have found it helpful, as one who is currently abiding in the home of my childhood, to make the bed each and every day. Something I would have scoffed at in my earlier days. Trust me. It's far less depressing. Sure, I'm sleeping in the same room I did almost 30 years ago. But at least I have a very cozy and neat ginormous king-sized bed. (when your husband is 6'5", fulls and even queens just don't cut it.)


anne said...

i got mad love for the working mom

words and streets said...

i seriously feel like i'm catching up on your life over the past few months... thanks for sharing this! the past 3 days i've been making my bed and i feel like a brand new woman. something about those clean lines. when i walk past my room and see the bed, it helps me breathe a little bit easier. and i don't know how working moms do it. don't think i could balance it all, it feels crazy now as is. lastly, i like the new blog. and i applaud you! and yea for sullivan!!

words and streets said...

allie s., that's me above
don't know why i started that blog a long time ago and don't know why i named it that
but maybe i'll venture back over there some day

Anonymous said...

Personal blogs are the wave of the future! Now making your bed, that's so 20th century.


Anonymous said...

I am new to these blogs however, and I'm going to use yours to test comments :-)
