A long day at CHOP and a sad boy, but the news was good so we're thankful and relieved. David and I went into the procedure room with him - David held him as they put the gas to his nose and helped the doctor get him onto the bed. That part always makes me tear up.
Anyway, we've been super into the Olympics this year, especially watching Michael Phelps, and it always makes me think about little Sullivan. I think part of the mourning, in a sense, with his heart, is that he really won't be able to get up and just do whatever he wants. He'll have to be aware of his own limitations and be smart about his physical activity. I don't want to place those restrictions on him, though. I want him to be able to pursue what he wants, but I just want him to be well-informed. So we watch these crazy Olympians, and I wonder what story Sullivan will have to tell someday. I love the little human-interest clips. Phelps and his breakfast, Kristy Walsh and her engagement ring, the 32 year old gymnast competing for Germany because of her son's health....will he have a tale like that someday?
So the news today was good. His cardiologist said that he could confidently say that his heart is performing at 100% of its ability. When Dr. Rychik explains what he looks at on the echo, the anatomy that he describes is totally foreign to me....his heart is so uniquely crafted...they've closed things, opened things, repaired arches, spliced veins and arteries to make new ones. It's all really quite amazing.