Monday, March 17, 2008

I'm considering ending (for now) my life as a stay-at-home mom.
In the past few weeks, I started getting things in order to begin applying for teaching jobs.
I have mixed emotions about this.
I really love teaching - I'm proud of what I do in the classroom. I think I could do better and go further with it.
I also really love being with Sullivan. These years are certainly precious with him.
But in the long run, what better job to have with a family?
Summers off, vacations...especially once our kid(s) is(are) in school as well.
Me working would definitely free us up, though, to save money for a house, be able to do some things that we have dreamed about....??
It seems that either way there's going to be a sacrifice. And, I certainly don't think one way is better than the other. Given the right situation, I think child-care could be really beneficial - he'll be almost 14 months old by that point.
I don't know...we'll see.

1 comment:

Cognitive Dissonance said...

Tough call. Megan loves to teach, but talks about wanting to stay home. We are fortunate for her to be teaching kindergarten now as she is home early. I will pray for your thought process in the next few months. Remember on your death bed you will likely not say "I wish I worked more."