Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hey Anonymous. This one's for you!

This comment was in reference to my post about my predictive text not allowing me to swear in text messages.
Just thought the people should know.

Anonymous said...
I wouldn't care for that kind of freedom of expression. Is that what you plan on feeding your sweet Sullivan when he gets a bit older and can copy cat your every word or deed? Seriously, is there something more meaty to blog about or do you persist on keeping up with your image? Like your Obama post that spiked up 80 something comments?

(first of all? the post wasn't about Obama...but whatever - and the post just inspired another post which garnered a whopping 85 or something comments. last time I checked, my high was 11.)

And you wouldn't care for that freedom of expression? Really? Interesting...I wonder if they'll try to pass a law about that as well. Protect the sanctity of our ears and all...

So friends, apparently not everybody shares our sense of humor about foul language on text messaging.

For further reference? anonymous comments are completely pointless. All that means is that you're willing to say things like that, but not brave enough to just admit who you are.
and leave my child out of it. sweet sullivan? sounds like something you could get put in jail for - that's totally creepy.
although I'd rather he know what the words meant than go using them behind my back because he thought I didn't approve.

Ready? Shit! AHH! Go running for the hills. I'll have you know that the word, "shit," for example, in other countries is considered no different than saying, "darn" or "excuse me?" In the Netherlands, I heard "shit" used from the pulpit. Whatever your perspective.

Whether or not he chooses to use them is going to be up to him. Although, I'm not exactly sure how privy my son is to text messaging, and mine in particular. Our kids live in the world, I hate to break it you, and unless I keep him locked up in the basement with myself and the rest of our family (actually, he'd probably have to be locked up with you to avoid all the evils, apparently), he's going to be exposed to anything that someone will share with him. I'd rather be the one he learns from, actually. Not some creepy little kid named Billy who pins him down in gym class and elaborates on the finer points of life.

And, for your information, every other word out of my mouth isn't a swear word, but I happened to be one of the kids who came home from school one day and asked my mom what f**k meant. And when she told me? Lord knows that it's not one I frequent.

I would be offended that you don't find my blog "meaty" enough for your taste except that I don't really care. Aren't I free to write about whatever suits my fancy? I don't remember checking any boxes on agreeing to specific content allowances...

I appreciate the fact that this is a public place. You're free to write whatever you want. But if you don't like it? Don't read it.

And keeping up with my image? Well, that has been a challenge for sure. Maybe you could send me a few pointers. What else would help?
Let's think....
I could pontificate about the value of a public school education. (slanderous!)
I have thoughts about the faiths of our founding fathers. (Oh stop!)

any other ideas? I just love to stir up the pot.

hmm...and it's a good idea I have one of those traffic meters...let's go see who stopped by this morning.


lover mother said...

I love you. Keep being yourself and not giving a shit about what anyone thinks of you. You are inspiring. It really is about where our hearts are and how God views us right? Who cares what these pinned up moms are saying anyway.

Cognitive Dissonance said...

I think the govenment should step in and sanction you right now. In fact I would support an candidate who would with all the force neccesary come into your house and drag your family away and send them to a camp where texting is not allowed. (insert stiff arm salute)

This comment is about as rediculous as I could come up with spurr of the moment. Have we not learned from our past?

West Valley Worship Team said...

Laughing out loud right now...and I write it out b/c the acroynm LOL drives me crazy...but anyway, I love reading your blog and I think you are a great mom...and who doesn't love a good "SHIT" out loud every once in a while?

West Valley Worship Team said...

so, apparently matt is logged on right now, it's really me, Jane!

lover mother said...

It sounds like Cognitive Dissonance is filled with hate, huh?!

Anonymous said...

You know, you should be able to track the IP addresses of anonymous posts, and either ban them, or hack the hell out of them. Or just force people to register to comment.
Unless you're just trolling, in which case its kinda funny. Though its not hard to rile these conservative wacko's up.
But I agree, leave the kids out of it all you commenting weirdos!
Keep it up Sarah!

partlycloudypilgrim said...

I have nothing to say except to offer my support. It is a crazy world - with crazy people who think they know you as a parent because of a post on text messaging? What kind of decent parent has the energy for that?

Procrastination said...

so I thought the text message post was funny but didn't have time to comment, this post was downright hysterical! Thanks for starting off my afternoon on a wonderfully funny note!

EEEEMommy said...

I've never appreciated anonymous comments. People say things in anon. comments that they would never say to your face, frankly, I call that cowardice.
Congrats on the new house, new job, and new car. :)