Friday, August 8, 2008

If you didn't see the 6 inch scar on his little chest, you might think that sullivan was just another 14 month old. (and he is)
These days, I don't spend a whole of time thinking about the intricicies of his heart, but every once in a while we have reminders.
Because of some of those reminders, Sullivan's cardiologist requested that we come in on Monday morning for a sedated echocardiogram. While I'm grateful for the technology that allows his doctors such a detailed view of his tiny little heart, to think about our little sweetie being put to sleep to allow them to do so, is almost too much.
I was so glad that our visits to the doctor had become less and less frequent, but this step is just a precaution so that we have a better picture of "the whole" picture.
He's making so much progress - cruising, fine motor skills, his inferior pincer problem (oy vey). It's hard not to see this as a set-back. Another long day in a waiting room? Holding a sedated baby, waiting for him to wake up from an unwanted nap? Ugh.


Cognitive Dissonance said...

Sarah, I am not working that day, so let me know what time the test is and I will make it a point to be in prayer at that time. Your little one if the subject of much prayer in this house.

Procrastination said...

we will pray for you and sullivan's heart!